Finding Libraries

This book is the introduction to Elixir for experienced programmers, completely updated for Elixir 1.6 and beyond. Explore functional programming without the academic overtones (tell me about monads just one more time). Create concurrent applications, butget them right without all the locking and consistency headaches. Meet Elix


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10 Ways to Feel Instantly Happier

Tricks to experience the joy of life

Do you ever feel like life is just too hectic? Sometimes it feels like everything is getting to be too much. If this sounds familiar, there are many ways that you can instantly make yourself happier!

Happiness is something that everyone should strive for, but sometimes it feels like an uphill battle. Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do each day to make yourself feel great again and live a truly happy life. Here are ten scientifically proven methods for feeling happier right away:

Your mood is directly related to your facial expressions. When you smile, positive hormones including serotonin and dopamine are released into your body, making you feel happy!

Even if you’re not in the best mood, a simple smile can make all of the difference. This is because the simple action of smiling will trick your brain into thinking that you’re happy.

Social Media has been shown to increase feelings of loneliness, jealousy, anxiety/depression, and decreased self-esteem (especially among girls).

Make it a point today not to visit any social media sites or apps until at least lunchtime; this will help prevent negative thoughts from consuming your mind before starting on a good note!

Sometimes it’s all about perspective! Try to find a reason for gratitude each day, and write down what has happened throughout the past week that makes you thankful. This can help put even the worst situations into perspective, which often lifts our spirits in ways we wouldn’t have expected!

Gratitude has been shown to boost mood and decrease depression. Take a few minutes each day to write down three things that you’re grateful for in your life right now. Your gratitude list can include anything, from…

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