Juan Matias Sanchez Adobe

Located in Montebello, CA at 946 North Adobe Avenue, Juan Matias Sanchez Adobe is home to a collection of historical artifacts that reflect the culture and lifestyle of the mid-1800s. Now functioning…


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Reflection on Amal Totkay

Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing yourself, your ways of working, and how you study. To put it simply ‘reflection’ means to think about something.

Here we discuss Amal totkay and these gifts are from Amal academy.


Self-talk are the words that we say ourselves to control our thoughts, People are becoming more aware that positive self-talk is a powerful tool for increasing your self-confidence and curbing negative emotions.

People who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident, motivated, and productive.

Self talk

Get out of your comfort zone means you doing things that you don’t feel comfortable doing.

Putting yourself in challenges in which you don't feel comfortable for example you are not comfortable with taking a speech on stage but can do it and face many challenges.

Create new habits that lead to achieving your SMART goals like I want to learn English communication skills then I should create a new habit of learning English language books and write English blogs daily. it would be very helpful for me for achieving my goals.

Choose people who may know you and care about you ask them for help and take feedback on your work. like in schools and colleges students need help each other in project work and assignments they ask for help from each other and resolve each other's issues.

“Fake it until you make it” is really helpful in creating confidence, competence, and an optimistic mindset, a person can realize those qualities in their real life and achieve the results they seek.

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